Sunday, October 26, 2008

Officially Viable!

Jeremy and I on our last night out for a while.
Peanut and Kiwi cuddling together on the couch. I am going to miss those guys sooooo much!

I know that I said I was going to update everything on Monday, but I was a little unsure about what my internet situation in the hospital would be, and I also wanted to share some pictures. I'm pretty sure I will be able to get online once I am settled in the afternoon, so we will see!
Tonight Jeremy and I went out to dinner because he thought I might need one last night out of the house with some good food before I'm couped up in the hospital with their food. But I can promise you that no food can be worse than the food I had to eat at Flagler freshman year, so I am not too worried.
Today the baby is officially viable which means that they must fight for him once he is born. YAY! We are just one step closer, which is exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Check back soon!

1 comment:

Dani said...

WOO!! way to represent the worst way possible. haha. I miss you so incredibly much and you are still just so beautiful! I am thinking about you every second of every day. I wish I could be there with you. Hm...and maybe some ideas to cure some boredom in the hospital:
1. you can stalk me of facebook if you want. or cally. or kaley :)
2. you can tell Jeremy to bring your Step Up DVD starring the most gorgeous Channing Tatem. Then you can play it on your laptop!
3. do some "Easy Crossword Puzzles" like we did at good ol' Flagler.

I'll be thinking of more things to do. :) I miss you and love you oh so much. You are such a wonderful friend!