Monday, October 20, 2008

Wishing I was 24 weeks...

Well I just got back from my weekly visit to Maternal Fetal Medicine at St. Vincent's, and I am a little disappointed. Thankfully my temperature is still down, the baby's heart rate is average at 141 bpm, and my blood pressure has stayed normal. They do not see any fluid now, whereas before there was a small pocket by the baby. To me, little fluid is better than no fluid but the doctor acted as if it didn't really matter. I guess I was just hoping that the tear would repair itself and the fluid would regain itself, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case. Keep praying for miracles! Also, I found out today that I will not be admitted until next Monday. So I will go into Maternal Fetal Medicine at 7 am, get an ultrasound, and then get admitted. I just want to get admitted so bad, and I know I will be more relaxed once I get into the hospital.
On a more positive note, my mom got to feel the baby kick, and Jeremy is able to feel him every now and then. My mom has really been a great help to us by constantly making dinner (with the exception of Nancy Dolan's dinner-thanks Nancy!), because there is no way Jeremy could get that done every night. Also, I want to thank Kyla for the books she sent me, I read through one in 2 days, and I am about to start on the next. If anyone has read an inspirational book that they could suggest that would be great! Jeremy will be making a trip to the library for me sometime before Monday so I will be able to waste time while in the hospital. Also, I have heard that many people are not able to leave comments, if you are having problems you can just email me at with anything you might want to say to me.
I have another appointment with my doctor on Thursday, so check back then for more updates!


Nancy Dolan said...

You're doing a great are so strong and that is going to help your baby. You know, that if you need anything at all...just call. I'm so worried about you and I just want everything to be perfect. I haven't spoken with your mom, yet, but I'm planning on making dinner for you on Wednesday. If that doesn't work, just let me know. Love you, Nancy

Cally said...

Here are some super great books:
The curious incident of the dog in the night, The Giver, Velvet Elvis, and there are many more if you want to know them. Also, I own most of these books, so If you cant find them at the lib, ill send them :) Abbles, you rock soul sista, i love you and miss you. Tell sweet thang I say hi, unless you taught him to read yet, then in that case, "Hi Baby!" but pre pre pre pre primer is hard level to teach hahha. miss you!